Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Christmas Eve Salute!

Here I sit in the middle of the night thinking about what to write. Since it's Christmas eve, I think I'll talk about the wonder of the holidays.
My parents met 21 years ago this night, and have been married for 16 years, so far. For us, tonight is the night where you can't keep your kids at bay. For them, it is the eve of their Christmas miracle!
What is a Christmas miracle? And why are miracles communly connected with a season like Christmas? Any Christian would tell you it's the birth of Christ that we must celebrate. All children would say "A fat man in a flying sleigh with 8 tiny reighndear + Rudolph comes and leaves you presents and eats the milk and cookies you leave out for him". Perhaps it is both. We know it is both in our hearts. But behind both these well known holiday miracles, the real truth is, we are living on this great earth with our happy family and this is a chance to celebrate one another. I think that's all something we can share on Christmas day in the morning.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must wait by the fire place for Santa Claus! He always comes at 12:21pm central time ;))

Friday, December 5, 2008

Time and time again: written June 6th, 2008

In the 2006 motion picture, A Good Year, Uncle Henry says to his nephew the following: "Maxamillion, ask me 'What is the most important thing in comedy?'"
And the nephew replies... "What IS the most imporant thing in com..."
"...Timing!" and the nephew laughs
It is true, timing is key. But time has other weird effects on us all. The time comes when the baby needs to be born. The time comes when one must die. The time comes when you're jumping into the pool that you must get wet. Time does it's duty whether you like it or not. And we all are obliged to live with it.
But time can also scare us. That happens to me on numerous events. One of those is becoming a High Schooler. We all have to do it at some point, and it doesn't matter what our wishes may be. How many of you have heard the phrase "When the time comes"? Probably more than once. More than likely, by your parents. They say this because they know we naive teenagers can't do anything about it, even if we pray to God that we could. It's like gravity. You don't have to believe in it, but it's going to have an impact on you.
Now before you take this paper and throw it away, read this. Don't Fret! Time is on your side. It wants to help you make your life the best and wants you to learn. Know that you ARE in charge of your life, and you have to work with time and make it your ally in order to prosper. I think, time is an illusion, but it's still there. It's always going to be there, and we have to make that okay. So before you go and try to grow up ultra fast, look around you and realize "This is the only time I can be utterly care free." Might as well enjoy it, right?

First blog entry. Welcome!

I'm not entirely sure what to write about, so I think I'll start off by saying that I love to write.

I'm a writer. I write stories, poems, articles, and songs. Mostly, that's what this is going to be used for. You will here all kinds of wonderful things about stuff that you wouldn't always think of during the day.

Hope you enjoy what I put on here from Marina's Cafe of writing! <3